Shit happens

And it’s the last thing we wanted to see.
We apologize and say we’re very sorry for a problem not depending on us.
Let me explain, if I can, cause English is not my mother tongue.
On the 14th of August we put on sale the prints we’ve just realized for the Black Keys in Copenaghen.
We had 90 copies of a run of 180 and we kept aside the ones for our subscribers.
Then we put the rest on sale and the quantity of people buying has been so damned high… our server exploded.
And we didn’t have the chance to check what happened till today, when we finished to manually count the payments.
Sadly we discovered that not only the server crashed, but even our store.
It has not been able to support the simultaneous buying of  a lot of You guys and instead of refusing the payements (once the prints we put were finished), it went on accepting them.
And even paypal didn’t reach to send us payments immediately.
So, for a serie of damned bad things, a mess happened.

Today we discovered there were about 20 posters more (then the copies available and I mean: the ones we printed…) that had been paid for.
We started in thinking what we could do, cause the last thing we want to do is to make people feel bad.
And the last thing we want to do is to rip off the guys that have helped us in doing what we do: YOU.
We thought about refund all of You to do the selling again.
But it sounded so strange and in some way impossible to do…
Then we checked the ones that bought “out of the quantities”.
The price of the posters started at 35 euro and reached 80 euro during the online selling and knowing the quantities we put, we saw how many customers bought out, going over them.
And we decided to refund them, a few for 35 and 40, then 50, 60, 70 and 80.
Cause we don’t want to be shady, we know lots of You cared a lot about this print.
Of course, some of You for reselling it on Ebay…, but the most of You for the band, maybe for the art :-)

Anyway, it’s quite difficult to write and explain these things in english, expecially cause we’re the first that were upset today when we saw the mess happened due to the server/store crash…
Hope You’ll understand, expecially YOU, the guys that have been refunded, cause it was the last thing we wanted to do: create a mess and make You sad and probably angry.
Hope You’ll accept our excuses and our “free shipping” for next sale.
If not, well, sorry but we can’t do anything more then giving back Your money, cause we don’t have more posters then the ones we’ve printed…
Really, we feel totally sorry, even our friends won’t have copies we promised cause we asked them if we could keep them for trying to refund less people possible.
And be clear, not for the money (cause I repeat, we refund from 35 to 80 euro), but because we always try to do what we do in the sunlight and not only for our satisfaction, but for Yours too.
If we wanted to become rich, think about it, we’d probably be dentists, not poster artists…
Ok, we’re still in time, but a slogan like “MALLEUS, the dentist that will keep ink our of our teeth!” sounds really weird.
Hope You’ll understand

One Response to “Shit happens”

  1. Have all refunds been completed? Thanks

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